Renee Griffin nude – Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991)

  • 1:36
  • 8 562
  • 0

Renee Griffin in the clip is seen talking to on of the person standing there while many others were standing coating them. She comes near the guy and then opens his clothes and we got to witness her figure being caked with tattoos. As she began unclothing him, the dude stops her and turns her around and comes behind her and then holding the knife cuts her clothes and deep-mouths her back while holding the tits of her in his arms. He is seen opening her lower also with the help of the knife and in the next cutting flick, we got to see him holding a sword. The guy holding a sword was continually moving his hips with her ass when he was about to kill her with the sword the pinch completes. We got to see the uber-wonderful disrobe of Renee Griffin and her boobs being groped and groped by the stud standing behind her. She looked really spectacular warm with her boobies being white and her ash-platinum-blonde hairs adding charm to her bod. The tweak has been taken from the vid named Showdown in lil' Tokyo which was pulled out in the year 1991. Renee Griffin showcased her boobs and jaw-dropping ass being slapped by the dude in the pin.

Erotic movies
Explicit movies